hmc 에서 터미널 종료
hmc -> aix 터미널 접속시 이미 터미널이 열려있는 경우 이렇게 발생한다.
hscroot@localhost:~> vtmenu
Retrieving name of managed system(s) . . . Server-9117-MMB-SN06559BP
Partitions On Managed System: Server-9117-MMB
OS/400 Partitions not listed
1) ibpdb01 Not Activated
2) ibpwas01 Not Activated
3) ibpweb01 Running
Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): 1
Opening Virtual Terminal On Partition ibpdb01 . . .
A terminal session is already open for this partition.
Only one open session is allowed for a partition.
Exiting.... Received end of file, Exiting.
해당 터미널 종료 방법은 2가지가 있다.
1. :~> rmvterm -m Server-9117-MMB -p ibpdb01
2. :~> rmvterm -m Server-9117-MMB --id 1
이 있다.