본문 바로가기

TL 업데이트

by Itlee 2017. 7. 11.

1. 설치파일 디렉토리에 가서 inutoc .

2. lppchk -v os에 설치된 파일들 중 이상 유무 확인

3. instfix -i | grep ML TL xx 파일셋 확인

4. lslpp -l | grep -i applie applied가 존재할 경우 commit로 변경 smit commit

5. smit installp -> update . 
 commit software update [no]
 save replaced files? [yes]
 acce/pt new license agreements? [yes]

6. ok 사인 확인 후 / 입력 installation summary입력 후 모두 success 확인

7. reboot

※ 설치 중간에 종료되었거나 할 경우 installp -C 명령을 통해 중간설치 작업을 commit하고 다시 smit installp 실행

#instfix -icqk 5300-02_AIX_ML|grep :-:  // 업데이트가 필요한 filesets



윈도우 업데이트중 업데이트가 중간에 멈췄을 경우
멈춘것 확인
[root@node2:/ibm/TL]instfix -i |grep ML
    All filesets for were found.
    All filesets for 6100-00_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-01_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-02_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-03_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-04_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-05_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-06_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-07_AIX_ML were found.
    All filesets for 6100-08_AIX_ML were found.
    Not all filesets for 6100-09_AIX_ML were found.

어떤 패키지가 업데이트가 안되었는지 확인하는 명령어
[root@node2:/ibm/TL]instfix -icqk 6100-09_AIX_ML |grep ":-:"
6100-09_AIX_ML:bos.net.uucp: 6100-09 Update

smit installp -> 업데이트 중 발생한 오류 확인
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/tip.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/tip.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uulog.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uulog.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uuto.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uuto.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/cu.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/cu.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uucp.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uucp.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uupick.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uupick.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/ct.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/ct.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uudecode.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uudecode.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uuencode.
sysck: 3001-003 A value must be specified for owner for entry /usr/bin/uuencode.
sysck: 3001-037 The name uucp is not a known user for file /usr/bin/uuname.

오류의 내용은 uucp의 사용자가 알수없는 사용자의 파일이라는 설명이다.

사용자의 이름을 확인하기 위해 /etc/passwd로 사용자가 있는지 확인을 한 후
다시 설치를 진행 해 설치를 완료 했다.
※bff 파일


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